Here's some more model sheet drawings from last night. I tried to just glance at the model sheets and the underlying construction and then go back and fill in the details. I was trying to build upon the various shapes rather than stare at the model sheets and try to copy them perfectly. Looking at Lulu I though she'd be easy to draw but I had a hard time with her. Much harder than the comic book version. At least for me it is. And yes, that's Gabby. He's annoying but surprisingly fun to draw.
Ha! In an alternate universe I'm sure there exists a Chuck Jones directed Elmer Fudd / Chilly Willy cartoon!
Great work Kevin!
I'm feeling guilty ... I haven't picked up the exercises in a while...
Thanks guys. Unfortunately, I don't really do anything but exercises.I need to just sketch and draw anything that comes to mind.
But the thing to be proud of Kevin, is that you're DOING something!
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