I don't usually get personal on my blogs but I just wanted to take the time to remember my father-in-law, who passed away last Friday. He meant so much to my wife and I and he will be sorely missed. It's a shame that the last six years of his life were robbed from him by Alzheimer's. He would have been 64 on January 3rd. Rest in peace Dad.
Wow, no posts in two months. Not like you missed anything special. Here's a couple of crappers for ya. The first is a setup for a music video I'm making for a dumb song my friend Chris and I wrote over 12 years ago. Called, "The Piggy Song". Four chords (the best ones of course) and crappy singing and production. It was recorded in Chris' basement with my old Yamaha 4-track cassette recorder. What a pain in the ass, bouncing three tracks down to one then recording two more and bouncing those down to one so on. Anyway, when it's done I hope you think it's retarded. It will mostly be illustrations and cheap Flash animation. Think early Hanna Barbera, now cut even more corners.
Construction practice with Stimpy, from a model sheet and screen cap. I noticed that I've kind of crammed Stimpy's facial features in there. I guess back to more practicing.
I've been wanting to get back to practicing inking with a brush so I drew a couple things quick to ink. I have quite the hard time inking large circular shapes in one continuous stroke but when I stop and restart the line it gets all screwed up. Any tips?
I've been rather obsessed with Amid's book Cartoon Modern lately so I tried my hand at copying some drawings from the book and related cartoons. That's stuff way harder to draw than it looks, at least for this guy it is.
I've started working on a couple of characters for a short (very short) that I'd like to start working on here and there. The story, if you could call it that is starting to come together and I'll start work on the storyboards soon. I have a few modest goals that I'd like to achieve with this short. Foist, there's no dialog but it is going to be set to music. In fact the short is wholly inspired by the song, in title and feel. I'd also like to try and experiment with design a little. Just something different for me, stuff that I haven't tried to draw before. I'd like to stick to an actual production process. Board it first, then work on bar sheets and move on to layout and so on. I tend to do everything scatterbrain. That's probably why I never finish anything. Here's some rough doodles done in short bursts at work or on the train ride to or from work. Oh, the title is "Welcome To The Theatron Animatronique" taken from the song of the same name by Secret Chiefs 3. Here's a live version of the song for those of you (probably everyone) that hasn't heard the song. Trey Spruance rules!!
Monday, March 09, 2009
This was a really quickly done comic strip for a friend, known affectionately in these parts as Worm, on his birthday. Just sharing because I've nothing else to post right now.