I busted out the
ol' brush and ink last night to ink some of those Hank
Ketcham studies I did and a couple of quick Owen Fitzgerald copies too. I then decided to try and ink someone
else's work, which I've never done. So in order to fail right from the start I printed out a
Jim Smith Chestacles drawing from his sketchbook and taped it to the back of a sheet of
bristol and
light boxed it. Why not screw up the best? Right? The original drawing was already tight to begin with so there wasn't much to do except try and keep the line thickness consistent with Jim's drawing. I still can't get a super clean line with a brush. I should probably splurge on a
Kolinsky and see if that helps. I'm going to practice this some more and print out more of Jim's sketches along with other artists pencil drawings.

Awesome original Jim Smith drawing